R&D (FilterCavity)
MichaelPage - 16:15, Wednesday 17 January 2024 (3408)
Squeezing characterization

Yuhang, Michael


We realigned green to OPO using a rather rough method of checking the bright spots on the OPO reflection FI that separates BAB and ppol IR.

We replaced the cable for the correction signal of the CC PLL slow loop to the CC laser temperature. We took a 5m cable and made sure it wasn't broken. This fixes one issue of the CC PLL but there are still others as mentioned previously.

We changed the ppol PLL frequency for green injection to OPO and once again found it had shifted a large amount , to 205 MHz at 37.5 mW green injection (it was previously 240 MHz). We went back to our usual 25 mW green injection, but the ppol frequency this time didn't change much. The CC1 error signal which characterizes squeezing level was about 302 mV (should be about 320-340). We tried to optimize the ppol frequency but then ended up with large oscillations in the CC1 error signal (seems about 760 ns). It seems like it "should" be 185 MHz, but it is more stable at 205 MHz so we left it there. It should be noted that previously the CC PLL performance was improved by switching off rampeauto for the FC green lock. Now we need to have that on again so we go back to having CC issues. The noise seems to be common to CC1 and CC2 error signals. But there was not so much time to investigate this issue and this entry marks the end of Yuhang's visit... for now.

To do list of items noted during Yuhang's visit: