R&D (FilterCavity)
MichaelPage - 21:01, Tuesday 21 November 2023 (3356)
SHG alignment

I tried realigning the SHG using the two dichroic mirrors just before the cavity (the one right next to it, and the one with the yellow sticker). By beam walking in both pitch and yaw I could only raise the level of IR refl from ~ 1.7 to ~ 3.7 V on the oscilloscope, but I couldn't see any strongly defined cavity modes. The residual beam coming from the SHG output along the green path at least goes through the (previous now unused) green EOM, so it doesn't seem hugely misaligned.

At one point I took a pciture on my phone and saw a lot of violet ghost beams. So I was concerned if the laser was doing anything strange. I checked the settings on the laser head - the current is 1.833 A (same as reference) and temperature is 23.36C (vs 23.105C on wiki). But then I took another photo on my ipad and I didn't see anything. So maybe it's just my phone.

I turned off the FC lasers afterwards.