R&D (FilterCavity)
MichaelPage - 13:41, Tuesday 21 November 2023 (3354)
A quick look at the system after a long time inactive

I took a quick look at the laser system. I let it warm up for about half an hour.

As expected even the first component in the line, the SHG, is quite misaligned. There are no clear reflection peaks in the cavity scan. The error signal looks quite distorted too (EPSOUT2). 815 mW of IR made it to the SHG entrance, so there is no problem with the laser system, although it seems a bit misaligned at the entrance. The SHG servo can be "locked" but it only outputs less than 20 uW of green. I should remember next time to compared reflection and transmission to the previous reference values, though they are a bit lower compared to recent measurements of SHG input and green output:
- IR incident (just before dichroic mirror) - 684 mW
- IR reflect (before ND2 on PD) - 87 mW
- Green output (just before green FI) - 237 mW

During Chien-Ming's last visit it was noted that the temperature of the laser casing was very warm. This time the temperature of the laser didn't do anything strange over an hour or so active.

I turned on some of the things that were powered off, including the squeezer related servo racks and the RF amps on the floor. I left off the filter cavity related electronics and green AOM RF driver.

I took a 6 port multiplug with an on/off switch to use for the homodyne power supply - it was from a box next to the tool area (somehow I can't upload images right now).