KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
MarcEisenmann - 11:59, Tuesday 02 May 2023 (3246)
alignment and calibration

[Marc, Munetake, Shalika]

We reconfigured the PCI for birefringence measurement.

First, we put back all required cables with the 6dB attenuators at the output of the PSD sum.

We tuned the laser power to 1.6mW (laser current = 1A and HWP rotated to 348deg.

We installed the razor blades and tuned the vertical and horizontal angle of incidence to about 0.006deg.

We realigned the readout part.

We tuned the QWP and HWP to minimize p pol in transmission with HWP = 351.2 deg.

We took 10mn of s and p polarization and got the attached calibration coefficients.

Images attached to this report