R&D (Roberts Linkage)
KoheiMitsuhashi - 07:15, Monday 24 April 2023 (3238)
Estimated Q factor of Roberts Linkage after attached coil magnet actuator

Waht I did: estimated Q factor after attached coil magnet actuator.

I estimated Q factor of Roberts linkage after attached coil magent actuator.
This Robert linkages' resonant frequency is 0.67Hz.
When I estimated Q factor, I used the ring down curve from 2000s to 2500s(just Fig 2).
Estimated Q factor of Roberts linkages is 3.91×10^3.

Blue points are mesurement and red points are fitting.
Vertical axis is read out of photo seosor that can detect displacement, horizontal axis is time.
Fig 1 is over view of the ring down curve.
Fig 2 is the data that is used for estimating Q factor(2000s to 2500s).
Fig 3 is over view and fitting results.
Fig 4 is the ring down curve that is used for estimating Q factor and fitting results.
Fig 5 is also the ring down curve and fitting results from 2000s to 2020s.

Images attached to this report
3238_20230423164434_lawoverview.png 3238_20230423164441_lawmediam.png 3238_20230423164452_fittingoverview.png 3238_20230423164502_fittingmediam.png 3238_20230423164510_fittingdetail.png