R&D (Speed meter)
YoheiNishino - 15:47, Tuesday 11 April 2023 (3228)
Beam profile of the Mephisto laser


What I did:

I have measured the beam profiles of the Mephisto laser. I have used a f250 lens to focus the beam, then estimated its original q-parameters of the laser.


The measured beam parameters (Fig1).

  beam radius [mm] weist position* [mm] M-factor
x 0.510 535 1.05
y 0.460 505 1.08

* z=0 is set to 100 mm away from the laser head. See the yellow tape in the attached picture (Fig2).

The estimated original parameters of the laser.

  beam radius [mm] weist position* [mm]
x 0.161 -164
y 0.174 -176

The weist is 60-70 mm inside the laser head. The weist position is supposed to be 90 mm inside the laser head, but the estimated values suggest it's almost near the laser head. I don't know why it happens.


** Sorry but there is some error on the first figure.

Images attached to this report
3228_20230411083701_setup.jpg 3228_20230411083721_202304111.png 3228_20230411084746_setup.jpg