R&D (Roberts Linkage)
KoheiMitsuhashi - 14:00, Friday 07 April 2023 (3220)
try to analyze the transfer function of Roberts linkages

What I did: I fited the transfer function of Roberts linkages, and estimated the resonant frequency and Q factor of it.

I analyzed the transfer function of Roberts linkages, and try to estimate the resonant frequnecy and Q factor of it.

When I estimated the resonant frequency and Q factor, I do it separately. The reason are as follows.
First, When I measured the transfer function, the gain around the resonant frequency is crashed by out of the linar range of the photo seosor. So I need to omited these bandwidth. Meanwhile I need the bandwidth of resonant frequency when I try to analyze Q factor.
From the above situation, I estimated the resonant frequency and Q factor separately.

The result were as follows. The pictures were also attached.

  Fig1 Fig2 Fig3
position of
center of mass[mm]
-7 -20 -41
resonant frequency[Hz] 0.41 0.50 0.67
Q factor 2.0e+06 2.8e+08 5.4e+06

Position of center of mass means lenght from suspension point to center of mass vertically. Negative means that center of mass is below suspension point.
Estimated Q factor are so big and strange, and I thought It was caused by not enough time resolution.

What I will do: I measrue Q factor by ring down curve fitting.

Images attached to this report
3220_20230407062420_fig1.png 3220_20230407062846_fig2.png 3220_20230407063047_fig3.png