R&D (FilterCavity)
MarcEisenmann - 10:24, Friday 03 March 2023 (3191)
suspensions check and offload ; issue with END room communication

[Marc, Rishab, Shalika]


PR and BS are offloaded and fine ; INPUT need offload ; END can not move in yaw

cameras are fine ; can not connect to pico server or 2nd target

First we wanted to do suspension healthcheck but had again time-out issue.

It was solved by restarting the standalone pc. We found out that the BS response was really strange (eg fig 1) and that a END had a too low magnitude (fig2).

We went to tried to realign BS (even though was already good enough for the previous measurement) and went to END room where we found that the oplev gain was 10 instead of 100.

We put the proper gain and also realigned slightly the END oplev.

Before, we were not able to see camera image from 2nd target or end room in central building so we confirmed that END room cameras are working properly.

In central building, we restarted the quad camera board that solved this issue.

We could see green flash on GR transmission.

We then offloaded PR by keeping the GR beam on second target and acting on picomotors to make the coils offset go to 0.

We did the same for BS. However, at first both pitch and yaw of coils moved in diagonals in the camera. We found out that once the coils offset absolute value is below 200 this coupling is removed.

Now both PR and BS are working fine and offloaded.

We have to do the same for END (but now yaw coil offset is 0 and it seems far off good alignment and coils do not work) and INPUT.

We found that the ethernet cable that connect the picomotors pc to the switch was squash below a monitor. We replaced the cable but still are unable to connect to picomotors nor 2nd target...

Images attached to this report
3191_20230303022501_20230303bs.png 3191_20230303022505_20230303end.png