Birefringence mitigation (General)
MarcEisenmann - 11:23, Wednesday 18 January 2023 (3147)
Test of LC

[Marc, Shalika]

We are trying to understand why the retardance we measure after one LC as a function of its driving voltage does not match Thorlabs characterization.

First we checked on oscilloscope the output of the KLC101 cube controller. We got the expected result ie 0V DC and a square wave which amplitude/frequency could be ajusted as we like.

Then, we measured the azimuth and allipticity with our camera after one LC and incident light s-polarized.

Figure 1 shows these parameters while rotating the fast axis of the LC with respect to the input polarization orientation.

Figure 2 shows these parameters while increasing the temperature of the LC.

It seems we still have the same discrepancy..

Images attached to this report
3147_20230118032300_elipticityvsfastaxis.png 3147_20230118032310_polavstemp.png