R&D (Cryogenic)
KoheiMitsuhashi - 19:05, Monday 07 November 2022 (3104)
measured the beam propagation and put EOM

Mitsuhashi, Shalika-san

What we did:

1. We measured the beam propagation after AOM and LB1909-C. When we measured it, we used PBS, WHP and QWP.
The result was as fellows and attached.

Position X[mm] Major Beam Radius[mm] Minor Beam Radius[mm]
115 0.299±0.003 0.204±0.002
170 0.321±0.002 0.229±0.002
182 0.314±0.002 0.2450±0.004
202 0.339±0.002 0.259±0.003
249 0.383±0.005 0.320±0.005
280 0.450±0.009 0.366±0.009

2.We set EOM following the above results. The picture was attached. We put QWP and HWP before EOM to meet the requst of EOM about polarization.
We confirmed that the beam power after EOM was maximized, and measured the beam shape to check whether higher-order mode are there or not.The result was attached.
We thinked that higher-order mode are not there.

What we will do next:
We will adjust the design for the cavity following the above reults. And we will measure the beam propagation after EOM, and put a isolator to pick off the erorr signal from the cavity.

Images attached to this report
3104_20221107104954_majorbeamradius.png 3104_20221107105154_minorbeamradius.png 3104_20221107105208_setupaftereom.jpg 3104_20221107110312_imageofbeamaftereom.png 3104_20221107110317_imageofbeamaftereomblackorwhite.png