R&D (Cryogenic)
KoheiMitsuhashi - 17:43, Sunday 06 November 2022 (3103)
beam fitting after AOM and lens, and checked the RF frequency.

Mitsuhashi, Shalika-san

What we did:

1.We measured the RF work about frequency, and the result was as follows. and the picture was attached. And we change the Tuning Voltage according to the result.

Tuning Voltage[V] RF frequency[Hz]
9.600 79.58±0.24
9.745 80.25±0.09
9.750 80.09±0.19
9.755 80.27±0.13
 9.850 80.60±0.40

2.We measured the beam profiling and try to fit the beam propagation after LB1909-C. The result was as follows, and the picture was attached.
We thinked the result was not good.

position X[mm] Major Beam Radius[mm] Minor Beam Radius[mm]
65 0.258±0.003 0.210±0.006
80 0.243±0.002 0.188±0.003
106 0.247±0.003 0.204±0.006
120 0.267±0.003 0.193±0.002
150 0.278±0.002 0.202±0.002
167 0.261±0.002 0.235±0.005
180 0.265±0.002 0.238±0.009
210 0.301±0.001 0.253±0.001
240 0.337±0.001 0.238±0.003

What we will do next:

When we measured the beam radius, we used ND filter(ND=3.0). We thinked that ND filter maked interfere, and it maked the result bad.So we will use HWP and PBS instead of ND filter.
The set up was attached.

Images attached to this report
3103_20221106091914_aboutrffrequency.png 3103_20221106091922_beampropagationofmajor.png 3103_20221106091934_beampropagationofminor.png 3103_20221106092023_beamprofilingusingbeamsplitter6nov22.jpg