KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
MarcEisenmann - 19:38, Wednesday 20 July 2022 (3038)
AZTEC #1 birefringence

We measured AZTEC #1 polarization with 0 deg (or s polarization), 15 and 45 deg polarization angle at the injection (see figures 1 to 3).

From the measurements with 0 and 45 deg input polarization angle, I could compute delta n and theta (figure 4) and s to p polarization losses (figure 5).

From this last figure, we can see a good agreement of losses between the direct measurement with the computation from delta n and theta.

This was not the case for the measurement with 15 deg input polarization angle and investigation are on-going.

The bad news is that theta is not uniform inside the central area of the mirror. This means that there is no rotation of the sample that will decrease the s to p polarization losses inside this area.

Images attached to this report
3038_20220720123334_pol0.png 3038_20220720123340_pol15.png 3038_20220720123346_pol45.png 3038_20220720123352_dntheta45.png 3038_20220720123356_s2ploss45.png