KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 19:16, Tuesday 04 October 2016 (302)
LabView on the new PC and first VIs to read the lockin values

Sakai-kun set the new computer inside the clean booth, plugged all the instrument and installed the software to control the absorption system.

The new computer is a PC desktop with Windows 7 64bit in Japanese. The license doesn't allow to change the language, but we could install Labview 2016 in English, at least.

We use a GPIB to USB adapter to control and read the Lockin amplifier. We found a library for the sr830 here, and used the examples to build our VIs.


The main VI is "Stanford Research 830 Acquire Measurement - X Y DC Freq.vi" and it uses the subVI "Read X Y DC Freq.vi"

The subVI "Read X Y DC Freq.vi" sends one single "SNAP ? 1,2,6,9" command to the lockin and reads the output through the GPIB port. The output of this subVI is a cluster of data with X,Y,DC and Frequency values.

The main VI initializes the lockin and set the parameters. Then uses the subVI "Read X Y DC Freq.vi" in a timed while loop (100ms for each loop), and put the read values in a shared variable. This VI can also save data in a file.

Keeping this VI running in background, we have the shared variable updated each 100ms, so we can run other VIs to use the values of the shared variable to show real-time charts or to make scans.

The "VI Show X Y DC Freq.vi" gets the values of the shared variable each 100ms and plots the X, Y, AC, Phase, DC and Chopper frequency.

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