R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 19:06, Wednesday 06 July 2022 (3015)
Trial to see how CC field affect squeezing measurement

Aritomi and Yuhang

We followed the procedure in elog1188 to do a squeezing zero span measurement. This time, spectrum analyzer KEYSIGHT N9320B is used to perform this measurement.

Center frequency = 100kHz, RBW=VBW=1kHz, sweep time = 2s, SR560 gain = 100, signal sent to green phase shifter is 1.25Hz, 0.7Vpp.

We made measurement with and without CC field going to OPO, but CC PLL was not locked. The green power was 25mW sent to OPO. The nonlinear gain was measured to be around 3. The result is shown in attached figure.

From this measurement, it seems CC is not contributing any difference in this case. The measurement is too noisy anyway.

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