[Takahashi, Aritomi, Yuhang, Michael]
Since the END picomotor didn't move, we opened END chamber and aligned FC. We aligned PR and BS to make the green at center of GV between input/BS and at the upper left of first target as reported in elog2935. After we scanned BS alignment, we found the beam at second target.
Then we checked the behavior of END picomotor with old picomotor driver by looking at the green reflection from END mirror at the second target. We connected pitch picomotor to motor A and yaw picomotor to motor B. There are two settings of joystick: SET X and SET Y. In SET X, whatever the selected motor, when we move the joystick in X direction, the beam moves in yaw and when we move the joystick in Y direction, the beam moves in pitch. In SET Y, we can select the motor and the selected picomotor can be moved by moving the joystick in Y direction. We don't understand the bahavior of SET X, but we should use SET Y of joystick. We also confirmed that all motors of old picomotor driver are working.
To obtain the END oplev signals, we brought back the Dsub cable from PEM to END oplev signals. We found that when the END oplev beam is blocked, END oplev X and Y show around 2100 and -800 counts, respectively. After we centered the oplev around these values, we checked pitch/yaw TF. The pitch TF was fine (Fig. 1), but yaw TF was strange (Fig. 2). We found that yaw TF becomes fine when we flipped the sign of EUL2COIL matrix for H3 (Fig. 3). When the sign of EUL2COIL matrix for H1 is flipped, the sign of yaw TF is also flipped. We also checked the response of H1, H3 magnets with health check script (H1: Fig. 4, H3: Fig. 5), which also shows the sign of H3 magnet is flipped. This flipping happened when we glued it in elog2900. We flipped all the sign of EUL2COIL matrix for H3 (before: Fig. 6, after: Fig. 7).
Finally we closed the chamber. We will start evacuation tomorrow.
Important note: After we glue the fallen magnet, we should also check the sign of the magnet. If the sign of the magnet is flipped, we need to flip the sign of EUL2COIL matrix for the magnet.