KAGRA MIR (General)
MarcEisenmann - 23:19, Wednesday 15 June 2022 (2978)
Soleil-Babinet compensator actuator replacement

Marc, Yuhang

Yesterday I tried to remove the 4 screws  holding one of the 2 crystal.

Once they are removed, it is possible to access 2 set screws that fix the linear translation stage.

The 4 screws were really tight and I only manage to remove 3.

With Yuhang help, we tried to remove the fourth one without success.

In the end, we broke a screwdriver head inside the screw..

Fukushima-san from ATC helped us to remove it today.

After that the linear translation stage was replaced with a motorized one and the Soleil-Babinet is now closed with 3 out of 4 screws (need to purchase the broken one).