R&D (FilterCavity)
NaokiAritomi - 16:11, Monday 13 June 2022 (2975)
BS picomotor was recovered

[Takahashi, Aritomi, Marc, Yuhang, Michael]

Since the BS picomotors didn't work, we opened BS chamber and checked the picomotor. We found that BS was stuck at the stopper because we moved BS picomotor too much. After Takahashi-san adjusted suspension, BS picomotors worked well. Before we close the chamber, we aligned green. We moved PR to make the green beam at the center of BS and moved BS to make the green beam at the center of first target. 

We also found that the BS oplev beam is hitting off center of BS. We tried to make it at the center of BS, but the reflection was hitting the pillar of BS suspension so we left it as it is.

Finally, we closed the chamber and started the evacuation.

Some notes for future alignment: