KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
MarcEisenmann - 16:50, Friday 20 May 2022 (2949)
start of AZTEC #3

Marc Matteo

We removed FC from the AZTEC #3.

Note that the imaging unit black cover was modified so that we don't need anymore to disconnect the cables.

We checked the bulk reference sample and measured R = 0.5794 cm/W with Pin = 27.67 mW and Pt = 15.06 mW.

It is still consistent with previous estimation so we installed the AZTEC #3 on the translation stage.

We did a long z scan and estimated the 2 surfaces at z = 26.05 and 114.5 mm so that z_center = 70.275 mm

We started XY measurement at Z_center.

From the long z scan, absorption seems promising.