KAGRA MIR (General)
MarcEisenmann - 19:03, Tuesday 17 May 2022 (2948)
Check of setup and AZTEC #1 restarted

Marc, Matteo

Today we removed AZTEC #2 and installed the bulk reference sample.

We measured R = 0.5780 cm/W which is compatible with previous measurement within 5%.

This is reasonable so AZTEC #2 measurements are fine.

We used again first contact on the AZTEC #3 as there was some remained of the previously applied first contact and peeled.

Note for future to never use the sticky tape given by first contact.

We also applied first contact on the second surface of the 1.5 inch sapphire used for calibration.

We cutted holes in the black box covering the imaging unit in order to avoid to have to remove the cables every time we want to intall/remove KAGRA size substrates.

We started measurement of AZTEC #1 at exactly the same position as before (XY map at Z center).

Measurement is on-going but preliminary results seems compatible with previous measurements meaning that they should be fine.