KAGRA MIR (General)
MarcEisenmann - 15:48, Tuesday 05 April 2022 (2912)
Preparation of absorption measurements

Marc, Matteo

We removed the AZTEC sample and installed the 2 razor blades on the translation stage.

We tuned the input polarization of the pump beam to s polarization (ie hwp angle of 45 deg)

With the translation stage set at z = 20 mm, we measured the distance between the edge of the injection breadboard and the blades to be 92 mm (horizontal one) and 97 mm (vertical one).

We measured the beam parameters as presented in fig 1 (again the z = 0 mm position is the same as in Manuel PhD) and got w0 = 36.24 um at z = 59.24 mm ie 2 mm further away than previous calibration.

By measuring the distance between the last lens of the inejction breadboard and the blades we tried to improve the vertical incidence angle at better than -0.248 deg.

Using the other blade we confirmed that the horizontal angle of incidence is about 2.7 deg.

For previous surface calibration we used z = 35 mm and z_IU = 68 mm. We did few scans at z = 35 mm and 37 mm but found out that the best calibration was obtained at z = 35 mm.

We measured R_surface = 16.12 /W and R_bulk = 0.6718 cm/W (where z_IU = 67.34 mm).

We reinstalled the AZTEC sample (orientation should be the same as previous measurements) and using the drop in the DC power we measured X_center = 327.293 mm and Y_center = 122.55 mm.

We reinstalled the black cover, all the required beam dumps and increased the laser power to about 7 W.

We started long z scans to find the 2 surfaces of the sample.

At first we found out some strange drop of the dc signal with z about 80 mm. It was because the translation stage was hitting the imaging unit black cover.

After moving it a bit further away we recovered the expected situation and started several measurements in the XY plane with 1 mm step size.

Images attached to this report