KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
MarcEisenmann - 12:07, Friday 01 April 2022 (2907)
birefringence measurements of annealed AZTEC sample

This entry reports the birefringence measurements of annealed AZTEC sample.

Note that here I normalized the s and p polarization power by their sum (see fig 1) so to be independent on the power fluctuations.

This does not affect the results much as we were considering the ratio of these power in any case.

Images attached to this report
2907_20220401050659_power15.png 2907_20220401050703_pola0.png 2907_20220401050708_pola11.png 2907_20220401050711_pola23.png 2907_20220401050715_pola36.png 2907_20220401050718_pola50.png 2907_20220401050723_pola70.png 2907_20220401050727_stress.png 2907_20220401050731_deltan.png