KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
MarcEisenmann - 14:25, Thursday 24 March 2022 (2892)
absorption measurements of annealed AZTEC sample

Figures 1 to 5 report the absorption measurements of the annealed AZTEC sample.

fig1 and 2 are respectively xz and yz measurements

fig 3, 4 and 5 are xy measurements at respectively z = 48 mm, z = 58.68 mm (center of sample) and z = 69.36 mm.

Few things to notice :

More analysis are also on-going

Images attached to this report
2892_20220324061644_absorptionxz.png 2892_20220324061648_absorptionyz.png 2892_20220324061653_absorptionxy48.png 2892_20220324061656_absorptionxy59.png 2892_20220324061701_absorptionxy69.png 2892_20220324062331_xycorrected.png 2892_20220324062336_xzcorrected.png 2892_20220324062340_yzcorrected.png