R&D (General)
MarcEisenmann - 18:23, Thursday 17 March 2022 (2879)
Comment to TAMA DGS upgrade - current inventory (Click here to view original report: 2872)

Katsuki, Marc

We found the GPS receiver on the left of the network rack in the storage room (see attached pictures).

We tried to follow the black cable that seems to indeed go to the roof of the central building.

While LIGO recommends to have the cable between the GPS antenna and receiver as short as possible, our cable is really long so we should be able to have our GPS receiver on the rack close to the input mirror.

The GPS receiver user guide is accesible here : www.leapsecond.com/museum/hp59551a/097-59551-02-iss-1.pdf

Images attached to this comment
2879_20220317102154_tamagps2.jpeg 2879_20220317102157_tamagps1.jpeg