KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
MarcEisenmann - 18:10, Wednesday 16 March 2022 (2876)
Preparation of annealed aztec sample measurement

Today we removed the SHINKOSHA 7 with Yuhang.

Actually Yuhang pointed out that our technique to remove this heavy sample generates quite strong impact on the injection breadboard that could be one of the reason for the pump beam shape change.

I checked the surface reference sample and got R = 16.50 /W instead of the previous R = 16.91 /W.

I suspected that the difference was again arising because of a change in the pump beam size.

I installed the razor blade cutting the beam vertically and got a pump beam waist of 35 um at z = 58.16 mm (instead of the previous 35.4 um at 57.6 mm) as reported in figure 1.

The plan is to install the surface reference sample 0.56 mm further away (ie at z = 35.56 mm).

Images attached to this report