R&D (FilterCavity)
NaokiAritomi - 23:10, Monday 28 February 2022 (2853)
Recovery of CCFC lock

As reported in elog2852, the CC detuning and CCFC demodulation phase should be adjusted. Since the CC detuning in elog2852 was 76Hz, first I changed CC PLL frequency by ~22Hz, but the shape of CCFC error signal was strange. Then I decided to change CC PLL frequency by 10Hz. The setting of CC PLL is as follows.

channel function frequency (MHz) binary number
CH0 CC PLL 20.99112421 1010 10111111 01011001 01000000
CH2 CC1/CCFC demod 13.99408281   111 00101010 00111011 10000000
CH3 CC2 demod   6.99704140     11 10010101 00011101 11000000

The setting of LEMO cables for demodulation is as follows.

Connection Color of LEMO cable
Between CCFC RF amplifier and mixer RF port green+yellow
Between DDS and mixer LO port green

Fig. 1 shows CCFC error signal. The CCFC calibration amplitude is 138mVpp. The mode matching is fixed to 0.9.

Today FC was quite stable and I could lock CCFC for the first time since last August! The CCFC filter gain is 1000 with 30Hz LPF. The Z correction, AA, BS pointing were engaged.

Fig. 2 shows the locking accuracy with CCFC.

Images attached to this report
2853_20220228150959_ccfcerrorsignal20220228t0081.png 2853_20220228185330_ccfclockingaccuracy20220228.png