R&D (FilterCavity)
MichaelPage - 14:14, Wednesday 02 February 2022 (2821)
OPO replacement - Mokulab unit strange behaviour

Yuhang and Michael

We found an issue with the Mokulab unit used in the ATC cleanroom

We used 100 Hz 10 dBm 1Vpp signal from another function generator. Putting the signal into Mokulab IN2 and using the oscilloscope function shows no frequency signal and 4 mV offset. IN1 reads 9Vpp (+5.4, -3.6) at 118 MHz even with no connection.

Using 1 MHz signal into the spectrum analyzer function likewise shows no signal, just -131 dBm floor. Using a T connector from the function generator to oscilloscope and Mokulab, we see that the signal on the oscilloscope is reduced when switching from Moku IN2 to IN1, but no change when switching IN1 input impedance between 50 Ohm and 1 MOhm.

Mokulab function generator output works fine though, we have been using it to scan the cavity.