R&D (FilterCavity)
MichaelPage - 14:41, Thursday 27 January 2022 (2805)
OPO locking setup

Yuhang and Michael

We rearranged the OPO optical layout to use proper photodetectors as mentioned by Yuhang. The layout with breadboard spacing (not to scale) is shown in figure 1. A photo of the setup past L1 is shown in figure 2.

The following components are used. Some of them I'm not sure though:

Laser: Lightwave laser
WP1: ?
WP2: ?
KPX1: KPX094AR.33
BS1: ?
KPX2: KPX094AR.33
KPC: KPC034AR.33
L1: ?
Equipment placed for OPO setup
FI: Thorlabs IO-5-1064-VLP
HWP_FI: Half wave plate
EOM: New Focus 4003 Resonant EOM
AOM: AA Optoelectronic MT110 IR 27
L2: f = 40mm
SM1: Steering mirror 1
BS2: 50/50
SM2: Steering mirror 2
L3: f = 75mm
SM3: Steering mirror 3
BS3: ?
L4: f = 30mm
PD_R1: Thorlabs PDA05CF2
L5: f = 50mm
PD_R2: Thorlabs DET10N/M InGaAs biased
IN: OPO input mirror
OPO: OPO assembly block
BS4: ?
CCD: Camera
L6: ?
PD_T: Thorlabs PDA36A

Images attached to this report
2805_20220127064246_oposetup4.png 2805_20220127064252_opolayout20220126183355.jpg