R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 19:35, Monday 27 December 2021 (2773)
Comment to Guardian deployed on TAMA DGS (Click here to view original report: 2122)

Today, we have some progress about guardian deployment in TAMA. Thanks to the help from Yamat. The detailed information can be found in the #filter_cavity channel of gokagra in Slack. Here, I put a summary of my activity today.

1. Yamat helped us check simulink file and found no problem.

2. Yamat suggested to run caget K1:FDS-FC_GR_TRA to check potential issue on client workstation of desktop1 and k1grd0. Running it on desktop1, I got -27.7212 for K1:FDS-FC_GR_TRA. But running it on k1grd0, I got channel connect timed out for K1:FDS-FC_GR_TRA.

3. Yamat suggested to check environment values in guardian computer. To do that, I used 'env > tama_filter_cavity_k1grd0_env_out.txt' to save the environment variable of k1grd0 workstation. Then I used 'scp tama_filter_cavity_k1grd0_env_out.txt controls@' to copy environment variables from k1grd0 workstation to desktop1 workstation. To share with Yamat on Slack, I firstly uploaded the txt file to dropbox and then share link with him. (Note that I didn't just take screenshot because the environment variable information is large.)

4. After Yamat checking env output, he found that a variable called 'EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST' seems to have a wrong IP address. He suggested to change this from '/home/controls/.bashrc or /kagra/apps/etc/client-user-env.sh.' and reboot k1grd0.

5. I found the channel 'EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST' is in /kagra/apps/etc/epics-user-env.sh. So I did the modification and reboot k1grd0. But the problem is not solved.

6. I found after modifying from /kagra/apps/etc/epics-user-env.sh, the env output in k1grd0 is still as before and didn't change. Maybe this is why the problem is not solved. Now I am waiting for the answer from Yamat.