R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 22:14, Wednesday 22 December 2021 (2762)
An additional issue about one of the new OPO mechanical components (component number 28)

Michael and Yuhang

Today we found a new issue about new OPO component No.28. The issue is described in the attached PDF file. The issue is that a counter bore hole is made from a wrong side of no.28 component.

We also took photos about no.28 component with wrong and correct holes, as shown in the attached Fig. 1 and 2. (The one with correct hole actually has wrong thread as reported in elog2724)

For solution, we found that a longer screw seems to be able to solve the problem. We will look for some longer screws and clean them. Then try to use them for the new OPO.

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