KAGRA MIR (General)
MarcEisenmann - 18:26, Friday 03 December 2021 (2747)
Comment to preparation of shinkosha 7 measurement (Click here to view original report: 2744)

Abe, Marc


In order to get the correct limits of the translation stage we had to home every motors.

Thanks to the help of Michael and Yuhang we removed the shinkosha 7 and placed it back after this operation.

Then we set correct Z limit (25 mm to 100 mm).

We checked the AC (measuring s pol) and DC (measuring p pol) alignment, maximal and minimal values without mirror.

We installed the mirror and realigned the 2 PSDs.

We started a polarization measurement with s polarization at the input and from X = 398 to 470 mm and Y = 20 to 235 mm that should allow us to see border effects.

(the mirror center is X = 398 mm and Y = 122 mm).