KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 14:41, Tuesday 19 July 2016 (273)
Cleaning the dust inside the clean booth

Since the fans of the booth have been off for a couple of months. I had to clean everything from the dust. I started from the top shelves, wiping one by one all the objects. I moved the boxes made of paperboard out of the clean booth because paperboard  is known to produce dust. I cleaned the optical table and all the objects on it. Wiping with a wet tissue was not enough because the tissue releases fibers and dust. So I used the strong green lamp to watch the dust particles, the spray air to blow on the surfaces to make the dust fly and the vacuum cleaner to blow it up from the air. The vacuum cleaner was outside, I only brought the pipe inside.  After that, I measured again the particles number.



0.3um 664 23
0.5um 557 19
1um 452 16
2um 384 12
5um 260 9
10um 194 7
not less than before cleaning, especially for large particles, but I believe it's because we have to wait more time for the booth fan to blow away the particles.
I repeated the measurement of noise with the pump off. The following table shows the noise level and the attached image is the plot of data (10mins at rate 100ms)
no sample 14uV 5.9V 2.5e-6
small sapphire sample 11uV 5.2V 2e-6

where the AC value is calculated as sqrt(std(X)^2+std(Y)^2)


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