KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 02:13, Monday 11 July 2016 (268)
Noise investigation - Bulk calibration factor when moving the detection unit

I made a scan of the bulk reference sample for many positions of the detection unit as I did in this post for other samples.

The position closest to the sample is 34mm, which is the usual position. Other positions are gradually further from the sample.

Modulation reference is from the chopper at 430Hz. Pump power is 30mW before the sample.


Plot1 shows the scan of the sample for different positions of the detection unit. AC signal

Plot2 shows the scan of the sample for different positions of the detection unit. AC signal / DC

For each scan, I took the point at which the calibration value is taken (3rd mm of the scan) and I took 10 minutes of data to check how the noise looks like with a large signal.

Plot3 shows  the calibration signal and noise (Y/DC vs X/DC) for each detection unit position.

Plot4 is a zoom of Plot3 


The following table is a summary of the values.


position AC DC Phase R
(mm) (V) (V) (°) (W-1)
34 0.12368±0.00087 4.87±0.02 115.70±0.09 0.728±0.006
30 0.1124±0.0015 4.24±0.02 113.35±0.11 0.76±0.01
25 0.095±0.001 3.78±0.02 112.21±0.12 0.725±0.009
20 0.089±0.001 3.31±0.02 109.76±0.12 0.77±0.01
15 0.0983±0.0008 3.56±0.02 109.1±0.1 0.792±0.008
10 0.0538±0.0006 2.05±0.02 109.01±0.12 0.75±0.01

Error values are the size of the clouds of points on the XY plane (standard deviations)

I notice that

 - the calibration factor (R=AC/DC/abs/Power) doesn't change more than 10% when moving the detection unit and doesn't show a clear trend

 - the noise on the XY plane is more on the AC value rather than on the Phase value (in other words the cloud is squeezed )

 - both the AC and DC get smaller when putting the detection unit further.

 - the measurement at 10mm is not reliable because the reflection of the probe on the prism after the sample was on the boundary of the prism.

Images attached to this report
268_20160710180256_plot1scan.png 268_20160710180419_plot2scan.png 268_20160710183823_plot3scan.png 268_20160710183834_plot4scan.png