R&D (FilterCavity)
NaokiAritomi - 20:06, Friday 30 July 2021 (2646)
CC2 error signal with different homodyne angle

I checked the amplitude of CC2 error signal and the squeezing level with different homodyne angle. During the measurement, CCFC was closed. The CCFC amplitude was 126mVpp with p pol PLL frequency of 195MHz. Note that the positive (negative) squeezing level means squeezing (anti-squeezing).

CC2 demod phase (deg) CC2 amplitude (mVpp) squeezing level (dB)
110 84.8 -1.8
100 89.6 2.4
93 100 0
84 115 -2.4
60 162 -5.3
20 198 -6.8
350 178 -7.2

The CC2 amplitude changes by factor of 2 from squeezing to anti-squeezing.

From the ratio of CC2 max/min amplitude, the nonlinear gain can be obtained. According to Aritomi's PhD thesis P.55, CC2 max/min = (1+x)/(1-x) = 198/84.8. From this equation, x = 0.4 and the nonlinear gain is g = 1/(1-x)^2 = 2.8. However, this is not consistent with the measured nonlinear gain of 4.5.

Another concern is that the minimum(maximum) CC2 amplitude does not correspond to squeezing(anti-squeezing) quadrature.