R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 15:24, Wednesday 16 June 2021 (2579)
A mcmc fit of FDS measurement in elog2546

Marc and Yuhang

We ran mcmc fit of measurement in elog2546 based on the emcee pakage. This run took about 3 hours by using a computer with 20 cores, which is ten times faster than the time of 30 hours by using a single core. This time consuming is reasonable since there will be some overhead while using multiprocessing.

In this run, we tried two situations: two free parameters (detuning, homodyne angle), four free parameters (squeezing level, optical losses, detuning, homodyne angle).

The mcmc run for two free parameters is shown in attached figure 1 and 2. This run is very successful since we see a clear contour distribution in figure 1 and parameters are always in the stable region as figure 2.

  least square mcmc
homodyne angle 5.3 +/- 0.2 4.9 +0.1026/-0.0987
detuning 72.1 +/- 0.6 78.25 + 0.5013/-0.4992

The mcmc run for four free parameters is shown in attached figure 3 and 4. This run needs some optimization.

Images attached to this report
2579_20210616081646_2pcorner.png 2579_20210616082435_2pvalues.png 2579_20210616082439_4pcorner.png 2579_20210616082443_4pvalues.png