KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
MarcEisenmann - 17:03, Wednesday 26 May 2021 (2531)
SHINKOSHA evaluation plate measurement after cleaning

Following the cleaning of the SHINKOSHA evaluation plate with first contact, I performed absorption measurements in XY,YZ and XZ planes at the same location with the previous measurements.

The results are presented in the first 3 figures.

Using the calibration computed just before the measurement and reported in entry 2510 together with the power measurements : Pt = 2.764 W and Pin = 3.193 W.

Without any fit we got :

  mean [ppm/cm] std [ppm/cm]
XY 290 109
XZ 217 233
YZ 232 245

I think that a more precise estimate of the XZ and YZ planes measurements could be done by only considering the data inside the sample.

For instance, using the equation 3.19 of Manuel's PhD where the effective thickness of the sample is computed.

Note that I checked that the lockin was not saturing before starting the XY map. However, after the last measurement in the YZ plane I found out that the lockin was saturated...

I'm wondering if it arised because of point defect/ new dust... Anyway I started a new XY plane measurement after changing the lockin gain. Sadly, the PCI computer got a windows update and stopped this measurement...

Images attached to this report
2531_20210526105221_xy.jpg 2531_20210526105225_xz.jpg 2531_20210526105230_yz.jpg