R&D (FilterCavity)
MarcEisenmann - 18:17, Thursday 07 January 2021 (2329)
Comment to Investigation of 20kHz noise in SHG error signal (Click here to view original report: 2328)

Participants : Marc, Yuhang

Here are the figures :

First no DDS board connected to the rack : all the peaks disappear.

Then, DDS board connected one by one we can see that each DDS is causing one of the peak around 20 kHz.

DDS1 -> 18 112 Hz

DDS2 -> 17 728 Hz

DDS3 -> 21 312 Hz

Images attached to this comment
2329_20210107101326_nodds.png 2329_20210107101330_dds1.png 2329_20210107101334_dds2.png 2329_20210107101339_dds3.png