R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 14:35, Monday 26 October 2020 (2253)
Check the coherence of PR/BS oplev signal and AA diagonalized signal (no excitation) (no PR/BS local control)

This coherence check was done between PR/BS oplev singal and AA diagonalized signal. Note that there is no excitation sent to PR/BS, the PR/BS local control loop was open.

It can be seen that there is almost no coherence above 10Hz. I think this is also reasonable, because PR/BS motion at high frequency should be similar.

Images attached to this report
2253_20201026063859_bspnoexc.png 2253_20201026063904_bsynoexc.png 2253_20201026063911_prpnoexc.png 2253_20201026063918_prynoexc.png