R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 13:15, Wednesday 14 October 2020 (2239)
New measurement of AA loop transfer functions

The coherence in pitch direction is not very good in the last elog. Therefore, some new measurements were performed.

1. The first four figures are measured with gaussian noise excitation, resolution is 0.01Hz.

2. Figure 5 shows a measurement of END_yaw TF with uniform noise excitation. The measurement result is a bit different with guassian excitation.

3. I increase the input pitch gain from 0.3 to 2. The new TF is shown in figure 6.

Images attached to this report
2239_20201014061633_ip.png 2239_20201014061639_iy.png 2239_20201014061649_ep.png 2239_20201014061656_eygau.png 2239_20201014061703_eyuni.png 2239_20201014061709_ipg2.png