R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 18:12, Tuesday 13 October 2020 (2238)
The transfer functions are measured again with fft method (gives more clear result at high frequency)

The transfer functions of AA loop was measured with swipe sine method and reported in elog2230. But the signal at high frequency was not quite clear. Therefore, Eleonora suggested me to measure with fft method. The excitations were uniform noise and sent to each degree of freedom, their amplitude are

Input_yaw 3000
Input_pitch 10000
End_yaw 2000
End_pitch 2000

Note that if the excitation is not large enough, the coherence between these two signals will be exactly 1 at almost all the frequencies.

The measurement result is shown in the attached figures.

Images attached to this report
2238_20201013111150_inputyaw.png 2238_20201013111155_inputpit.png 2238_20201013111202_endyaw.png 2238_20201013111209_endpit.png