KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 22:43, Tuesday 16 February 2016 (220)
Beam profile measurement

I measured the beam profile of probe and pump near the crossing point.

Set a vertical blade to the translation stage and move it from PCI software.

Read data on the power meter and fit with erf function.

This table is a summary of the results.

    Probe   Pump
z (mm)   y_0 (mm) halfwidth (um)   y_0 (mm) halfwidth (um)
0   37.5 178   39.75 172
20   39.7 145   39.85 48
30   41 126   39.92 70
50   43 94   40 172

The probe waist is about 94um (radius at 1/e^2) but it is not near the crossing point. At the crossing point the beam size is about 290um (diameter).

The pump waist is about 48um (radius at 1/e^2) and is near the crossing point. At the crossing point the beam size is about 100um (diameter).

The angle between pump and probe is 0.105rad, or 6°.

The PCI manual said beamsizes of 200um and 70um. Which were the values I used until now in my simulations.

I will put those new measured parameters in the simulations.

Images attached to this report
220_20160216135751_blade.png 220_20160216140141_pumpbeam.png 220_20160216140157_probebeam.png 220_20160216142225_crossingpoint.png