R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 00:48, Friday 14 August 2020 (2169)
CC1 investigation (3)

Aritomi, Yuhang

We are having issue of offset and bad SNR.

We checked the 14MHz peak from TAMA PD (as shown in figure 1 and 2). Usually it is amplified to -42dBm after an amplification of 21dB from -63dBm. The SNR before amplification is about 14dB, which is increased to about 20dB after the amplification.

The local oscillator used for demodulation is -7dBm, as shown in figure 3 .

The demodulated signal before and after amplification are shown in figure 4 and 5. Compared with the linewidth shown in figure 6, the SNR for demodulated signal is only about 1.5.

We could see that there is a almost constant offset around 8mV. Therefore, a larger LO may solve the offset problem.

(TAMA1991 demodulator was used and shown in this entry. We also tried other two demodulators, which give much larger offset)

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