R&D (FilterCavity)
EleonoraCapocasa - 23:34, Tuesday 14 July 2020 (2120)
QPD2 demodulator is working fine

Yuhang, Eleonora

We installed 12 dB attenuator on the LO of the QPD2 demodulation board, as we did for QPD1 demodulation board 1 (see entry #2112)

We performed the same test and confirmed all the channels are working fine.

The LO was -6dBm, we notice that if we put additional attuantion the demodulated signal is slightly increased. For a LO of -21 dBm the demodulated signal reaches the maximum amplitude and it is a factor 1.2 higher that in  -6dBm case.

Anyway we will split -6dBm LO between the 2 demodulation boxes. The actual LO for each board will be -12dBm which is fine.

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