R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 22:18, Thursday 13 February 2020 (2038)
The monitor of detuning change during a period of one hour

Aritomi, Eleonora and Yuhang

Today we monitored BAB PDH signal for more than one hour, which is taken by collecting filter cavity BAB reflection on an RF PD. During this time, filter cavity got unlock several times. 

The orange color line is normalized PDH signal.

The cyan color line is PDH signal before normalization

The dark blue color line is filter cavity control loop correction signal.

But we observed at least twice a strange behavior. The PDH becomes smaller and BAB transmission becomes also smaller while GR transmission is kept. After we tune AOM frequency, the BAB transmission was recovered and the detuning was changed a bit. 

Images attached to this report