R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 13:53, Monday 10 February 2020 (2031)
Loss budget measured from 4th Feb. to 7th Feb.

Aritomi and Yuhang

4th Feb(in air) 5th Feb(in air) 6th Feb(in air) 7th Feb (in air)
injection readout injection readout injection readout injection readout
6.98% 1.51% 6.13% 1.22% 6.08% 3.05%



The loss measurement doesn't include intra-OPO loss (roughly 8%) in injection.

This measurement also doesn't include homodyne loss (roughly 4%), PD quantum efficiency (roughly 1%) in readout.

4th Fed (in vacuum) 5th Feb (in vacuum) 6th Feb (in vacuum) 7th Feb (in vacuum)
15.09% 14.62% 15.28% 13.10%

total loss:

4th Fed 5th Feb 6th Feb 7th Feb
36.58% 34.97% 37.41% 35.28%