R&D (Cryogenic)
SatoshiTanioka - 17:24, Tuesday 17 December 2019 (1950)
4K shield installation

[Sato-san, Tanioka]

We installed a 4K shield which was modified by Namai-san and Ueda-san.
The procedures are as following.

  1. Attached the cables on the shield as heat anchors
    At this moment, we found that the cable which was used for thermometer was disconnected. This was solved by bypassing the cable. But the displayed temperature seemed not correct. Calibration is needed.
  2. Installed insulator on the shield.
  3. Made holes on the insulators in order to pass through the beam.
  4. Put the shield on the optical breadboard.
  5. Check the cabling and the status of insulators.
  6. Then clamped to the table.


[next step]

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