KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
SimonZeidler - 11:13, Wednesday 11 December 2019 (1930)
Futher Calibration Measurements on Brewster Polarizers


In addition to the measurements on Monday, I took the transmission data for both S and P polarization of the Brewster Polarizer. This is to further understand the type of coating that has been manufactured for it.
Attached is the respective graph.
As can be seen, in S-pol there is a distinct minimum at 45 degrees, while for the transmission in P-pol the minimum is at around 30 degrees with a maximum at 63 degrees AoI. This result correlates quite well with the reflection measurements.

Also, I characterized a second polarizer of the same type in terms of reflection and compared it with the previous one.
The reflection curves of both polarizers are almost identical and show the same location of the minimum in P-pol (~ 63 degrees).

Images attached to this report
1930_20191211031332_transmissionplot.png 1930_20191211031339_reflectionplot.png