KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 23:30, Tuesday 06 October 2015 (191)
Tama-sized mirror mount drawing

I draw on Inventor the mirror mount for the tama-sized mirrors (d100 x 60).

The picture shows the transation stage part where the mount have to be fixed.

I attach a pdf of the drawing (actually, the top view shouldn't be red, it's a problem of the conversion to pdf, so I also attach the bitmap of the topview). 

The yellow part is peek plastic, which is in contact with the mirror.

The red part is the part that have to be fixed permanently to the translation stage.

I put a precision pin, to attach the mirror mount always in the same position.

Images attached to this report
191_20151006161436_topview.bmp 191_20151006163032_btsplate.jpg
Non-image files attached to this report