R&D (FilterCavity)
NaokiAritomi - 23:59, Tuesday 26 November 2019 (1891)
FDS at 600Hz with new phase shifter and testmass feedback

[Aritomi, Yuhang, Yaochin, Eleonora, Matteo, Raffaele]

First we aligned IR into filter cavity. Current mode matching is around 95.8%.

Mode IR transmission
TEM00 400
HG10 112
HG01 105
offset 102

Then we succeeded in locking CC2 with filter cavity with new phase shifter. This time CC2 testmass feedback worked well and CC2 correction signal and IRMC reflection became more stable. Gain of testmass feedback is -2.

We measured FDS at 600Hz and CC2 phase noise (Pic.1,2). CC2 demodulation phase is as follows. CC2 error signal is 76mVpp. At high frequency, we had 3dB squeezing, but the spectrum was not clean. Below 100Hz, there was large bump.

  CC2 demodulation phase for SQZ (deg) CC2 demodulation phase for ASQZ (deg)
FDS 70 100
FIS 95  

After this measurement, we found that DC balance of LO was bad. We measured frequency independent squeezing before/after DC balance (Pic.3). After DC balance, squeezing spectrum and squeezing level got better, but still not clean as before.

Then we measured FDS again with/without testmass feedback (Pic.4). Low frequency bump became lower down to 60Hz and it doesn't change with/without testmass feedback. It seems that DC balance improved low frequency bump.

Images attached to this report
1891_20191126155846_fds20191126.png 1891_20191126155854_cc220191126.png 1891_20191126155903_sqz20191126.png 1891_20191126155908_fdstm20191126.png