KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
SimonZeidler - 19:31, Tuesday 19 November 2019 (1854)
Absorption-confirmation of Shinkosha#7 sample

Pengbo, Simon

On Friday (Nov. 15th) we reset the PCI system to do absorption measurements. The main purpose was basically to confirm the absorption maps with those Manuel measured before and to see whether the birefringence maps really do correlate with the absorption patterns.

The results can be seen attached. The map is quite similar to the "center"-map from Manuel and it the similarity of the patterns to the birefringence maps is obvious (elog 1843).

An interesting fact may be that the mean absorption coefficient is 77 ppm/cm which is ~30% smaller than the value Manuel has calculated from his' map. We are quite sure that this is due to the calibration factor we derived before starting the measurement.

Images attached to this report
1854_20191119113150_figure1.png 1854_20191119113155_figure2.png