General (General)
ManuelMarchio - 14:21, Wednesday 30 September 2015 (185)
Tama central room floor repaired

I took some picture while the workers were repairing and repainting the floor during these three days.

Their work was basically

- Scratch the old floor and clean to the concrete.

- Paint the concrete with a black paint.

- Put a layer of green paint

- Put a second layer of green paint.

Images attached to this report
185_20150930071342_floor1.jpg 185_20150930071352_floor2.jpg 185_20150930071401_floor3.jpg 185_20150930071409_floor4.jpg 185_20150930071421_floor5.jpg 185_20150930071433_floor6.jpg 185_20150930071444_floor7.jpg 185_20150930071454_floor8.jpg